An Internet Coast Company
Web Site Design
Sample Sites
David W. Langley 


Sample Reports
Monthly Traffic
Search Engines Referrals
Other Referral Sites



         Our goal at Internet Coast Web Hosting is to design and work your site so you don't have to. Send us your firm brochure or resume and we can take it from there. We will design a site to fit your needs and budget, host it 24/7 with less than 1% downtime, list you with the top 20 search engines, insert appropriate meta tags to ensure competitive ranking and report the results to you monthly. See what we have done for other clients.

         From the simplest informational sites to the most complex interactive sites, we can create a package to suit your needs. Our services include custom graphics, animation, streaming video and audio, rollovers and voiceovers. Our web site designers are competent in Java and JavaScript, MIDIL and MP3 Music, QuickTime Video, CGI Script, Macromedia Flash, Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Microsoft FrontPage. We can also provide shopping cart and merchant services for your site. Email or call us for a free consultation.


Internet Coast Web Hosting
8181 West Broward Blvd. - Suite 204
Plantation, FL, 33324
Phone (954)356-0450 Fax (954)356-0451


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Using Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher or Netscape 7.0 or higher