An Internet Coast Company
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W. Langley



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Monthly Activity - flalawyerftp
15 Jan 2000 00:00 AM - 25 Oct2000 23:59 PM
This section shows the activity for each month of the requested report period. ( Example : If there are 2 months which contains data, then the values shown are the sum for each specific month.) Values shown do not include failed requests.

Monthly Activity
  Hits Page Views Clients Bandwidth
200001 2928 1580 726 20.64 MB
200002 6406 3418 1472 44.61 MB
200003 6598 3688 1558 46.58 MB
200004 7346 4002 1674 53.51 MB
200005 5997 3223 1367 44.13 MB
200006 3523 1817 694 33.19 MB
200007 3836 1987 828 69.44 MB
200008 4322 2516 833 57.86 MB
200009 4852 2695 787 74.07 MB
200010 2790 1318 562 54.97 MB
Total 48598 26244 10501 499.01 MB
Maximum 7346 4002 1674 74.07 MB
Minimum 2790 1318 562 20.64 MB
Internet Coast Web Hosting
8181 West Broward Blvd. - Suite 204
Plantation, FL, 33324
Phone (954)356-0450 Fax (954)356-0451

Best Viewed at 800 x 600 Resolution
Using Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher or Netscape Navigator 3.0 or higher